Tuesday, October 27, 2009


we ordered our sonlight books a few days ago and i am so excited about the box coming to our door!!! and yesterday we did school with borrowed sonlight for preschoolers and it was WONDERFUL! we sat in our new house and snuggled, reading, discussing, talking, laughing. i really love this way of family-centered learning. we read a story about a persian girl and then i had the girls draw a picture from the story. it was so neat to see their creativity emerge. the usborne stories from the around the world had persian inspired illustrations and i remembered that we had rubaiyat of omar khayyam + illustrations in our collection. if you have never seen illuminated illustrations from persian works - you ought to. they are so detailed and rich. i read a bit of the poetry too (the persians are really in to their poetry, even today!) and kyrie loved it!

so i think that with sonlight, a bit of charlotte mason wisdom and a few other sources horseshoe homeschool is going to be a wonderful place.

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