Thursday, October 15, 2009

a new start ... a good day

today was a good day... i mean i lost it a few times with the kids, had to apologize and make peace. but for the most part it was productive. we are still in limbo with our housing and homeschooling. its been the navy lodge almost 2 weeks now and will be finally moving in to our new digs on tuesday (that is NEXT week!) i am so eager to get us SETTLED.

most recently (ie. the last few days!) i decided that instead of reinventing the wheel, i am going to go with established curriculums. (sonlight, along with others i am reviewing). the beauty of homeschooling is that since we are starting out late in the year, we can just school through the summer months. the kids love to learn, so i think that this will be a good plan for us. from what i know sonlight's literature based approach fits our family's passion for reading and books. a new friend and veteran of homeschooling, recommended math-you-see and pathway books for language arts. pathway readers are what the amish and mennonite schools use.

teachable moment #1: review a few options but avoid being overwhelmed with too many choices.
#2: using one type of curriculum/method doesn't necessitate staying with it or using it next year.

do you have any suggestions for curriculums/methods? any to avoid? what method are you using in your homeschooling?


  1. I am looking forward to following to your blog! Love you EV! Your kiddies are blessed to have such a wonderful momma!

  2. Have you heard about Charlotte Mason? My mom really likes her stuff.

  3. my kids are younger than yours but we don't use a curriculum at this point. i think one of the best parts of homeschool is that you can pick and chose what works for your family instead of following just one way of growing and learning.

  4. Pathway Readers are awesome! I used them with the kids when they were younger - before we discovered Tapestry of Grace. You should check out Tapestry - its similar to Sonlight but even BETTER. They have a 3 week sample you can download for free on their website.


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